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Ozone Generator  / Ozonation

Ozone is an unstable gas as it is produced for commercial application and has a pungent characteristic odor, it is formed photo chemically in Earth's Stratosphere, but exist at ground level only in low concentration. It is the most powerful Oxidant used in Swimming Pools and has the ability to destroy algae and bacteria, inactive viruses and to oxidize many organics and inorganic contaminants which are present in the water.

Ozone has a short half life in aqueous solution this Ozonised water can be recycled in Swimming Pools without fear of building high concentration of dissolved Chemicals.

Application of Ozone in Water treatment for Swimming pools

Anybody entering a swimming pool contaminates the water either from secretion or just from washing off. Typical contaminated are
● Sweat
● Skin flaks
● Mucous
● Hair ointments
● Urine

In addition there are contaminants and organisms from the environment of the swimming pools such as dust algae and microorganisms therefore the pool water has to be constantly filtered and disinfected.

At the present time only chlorine disinfection is used which means use if chlorine, hypochloride and chlorine dioxide.
However, the disinfection efficiency of chlorine is very much hindered by water contaminants.

For Example : In highly contaminated water even at a concentration of 3.5mg/l of free chlorine, virus bacteria were found while normally a tenth of this amount that is 0.3mg Cl 2/ltrs would be sufficient to destroy the bacteria.

There are several causes for a reduction of Chlorine activity.

Colloids may envelope bacteria forming a protective coat against chlorine.
Organic are oxidised by chlorine which reduces the concentration of free chlorine.
Ammonia and other nitrogenous compounds react with Chlorine forming Chlorine-Nitrogen compounds which have slower in activation for virus and bacteria.

These Chlorine compounds known as Chloamines and Chlorourea not only produce that typical unwanted swimming pool odor. But are also highly Irritant poisonous substances that cause Eye Irritation ( Redness of Eyes ) and Skin Allergy. Some of these chlorine compound are found to be highly carciogenic.

The comfort of the swimmer keep a priority aspect is selection of a swimming pool purification process.

Ozone is proved to be the most  Advanced & beneficial treatment processes .Advantage of using Ozone v/s Chlorine Ozone possesses many advantages over chlorine in the processing of swimming pool water or in conjuction with chlorine.

Basically, ozone is used as a purification agent and chlorine is used for disinfection. Actually, ozone can be used both as a flocculating agent as a disinfectant in addition to its function as a purification agent. The pool water is flocculated to remove various colloidal material and substances that create turbidity, as well as bacteria and virus. The water passes through sand filters to remove the precipitate before being ozonated. By removing the colloidal matter and the cause of turbidity, the ozone is given a better chance of doing a fine job.

Some of the advantages and disadvantages of ozone and chlorine used for swimming pool water purification are :

● Chlorine is not only highly toxic, it is a poisonous gas
● Although ozone is rated as toxic at the 1.0 mg/1 level by the United States government, no one has ever been known to have died
  as a result of inhaling it. Ozone has a very pungent odor, noticeable at the 0.01mg/1 level; is highly irritating at elevated levels;
  tends to dry out the skin and mucous membrane and can cause temporary throat discomfort.
● Chlorine is stored in high pressure containers on the premises and can be dangerous. A broken chlorine line could cause serious
● Ozone is generated on the premises (not stored)
● Chlorine, when mixed with urine and perspiration, will form chloramines that will cause eye irritation and are toxic to aquatic life.
● The cost of chlorine is constantly increasing and has become quite expensive. Ozone, on the contrary, is becoming less expensive
   due to the increase in efficiency and lower energy consumption. The overall cost of using ozone instead of chlorine will be less
   costly to the pool owner.
● Ozone is the most active oxidizing agent that can be used with safety. It is sometimes called “activated oxygen”.
● Tests have proven that ozone is from 600 to 3000 times more active in the destruction of bacteria and viruses than chlorine in the
    same concentration. Escherichia Coliform (E. coli) is killed within 5 seconds by ozone at a concentration of 1 mg/1, whereas
    15,000 seconds for the same results using chlorine at the same concentration.
● Ozone is effective against mustiness, mildew, fungus and can be used to eliminate the “locker room” odor in dressing rooms.
● Due to the flocculation process and the ozonation process, the water in an ozonated pool is very clear. A sky blue color is imparted
    in the pool water.
● Chlorine is more effective against algae growth. Outdoor pools using ozone have a problem with algae bloom, under high
    temperature conditions, that can be eliminated bu chlorine “ shock treatment’ of 5 to 10 mg /1, when needed.
● Chlorine needs pH control (7.0 to 7.4 pH) for reliable results. Ozone does not not require pH control but some of the other
    chemicals used may require such control.
● Ozone is an excellent deodorizing agent for many substances, such as putrefactions, hydrogen sulfide, urine, smoke, cooking,
    paints, etc.
● Ozonated pools do not have the “bath tub ring” that is caused by skin oils, grease, ointments, hair dressing and cosmetics used
    by the swimmers
● Ozone is used in therapeutic pools and baths for the treatment of skin infection and burns.


Ozonation has recently gained popularity as a wastewater treatment alternative in the United States after regulatory agencies placed restrictions on chlorine treatment induced disinfections byproducts, especially levels of trihalomethane (THM). Ozonation is an established and proven disinfections alternative as well as a peroxidant for the control of THM precursors.

Benefits of Ozonation

Oxidation and volatilization of organics,
Control of algae and associated compounds,
Destabilization (micro-flocculation) of certain types of turbidity,
Removal of color-causing compounds,
Oxidation of iron and manganese,
Very short disinfection times, and
Partial oxidation of organics for subsequent removal by microorganisms.

Ozonation for Bottled Water:

Ozone in Bottled Water industry is becoming more like a pre-requisite. Almost all the popular brands take pride in claiming that their water is ozonated.

The International Bottled Water Association (IBWA) recommends that ozone be applied in the 1.0 to 2.0 milligram per liter (mg/L) range for a period of 4 to 10 minutes contact time to safely ensure disinfection. Application at this level helps maintain a 0.1 to 0.4 ppm residual ozone level at the time of bottling. This provides an additional safety factor because the bottles can be disinfected and sanitized while filling it with product.

In the bottled water market, maintaining an optimum level of ozone at the filler is critical. If the ozone level is too high, plastic bottles may develop an aftertaste. If the level is too low, bacteria spores hidden in the water, inside the plastic walls or closure device could recover and easily contaminate the entire product.

Water charged with ozone is also suitable for rinsing bottles and cleaning and disinfecting production equipment. This reduces the potential for bacterial growth in unchlorinated water found within the distribution system. It also reduces the amount of clean-in-place (CIP) required to keep the operation disinfected. Many plants have started incorporating an ozonated cap and bottle rinsing system.

Ozone is particularly effective when used in conjunction with other water treatment processes. By using reverse osmosis and nanofiltration or ultrafiltration, organic precursors and inorganics such as bromide, can be removed from water before ozone is used. With this configuration, 99 percent of naturally occurring organic materials (such as lignin, humic and fulvic acids) can be removed, reducing the amount of ozone necessary to disinfect the water. Another benefit is that ozone will not lead to the formation of harmful trihalomethanes (THMs), which are formed when chlorine is added to raw water containing humic materials.

Chemtronics ozonetor ensures a high concentration of ozone at a consistent rate. The machines are protected using various safety circuits. Chemtronics ozonetor also has a very efficient mixing system which gives you the set residual ozone.

Residual ozone measurement can be done using different ozone sensors such as Ecosensors for accurate ozone sensing. But for the bottlers who do not want accurate ozone sensing, we can supply digital ozone sensors with the calibration chart at a very low cost. Also, the chemical testing kits are available with us.

While considering all the technical benefits ozone is giving you, the commercial benefits should not be overlooked. Due to ozone, the shelf life of your finished product increases. You can store the water for a longer period of time without any worry of recontamination. Similarly, ozone ensures very low bacteria count, which leads to highly safe drinking water. This eliminates the risk of failing on the tests performed by BIS.

To sum it all, we can say that ozone is the ultimate saviour for the bottled water manufacturers.

Ozone for drinking water application:

Safe and pure drinking water has become one of the main concerns of every citizen. First of all the water supply of the municipal corporation is inadequate in most of the cases. Add to that the atrocious rates charged by the tanker water suppliers and you have a very unhealthy situation at hand. Therefore a lot of housing colonies, hotels and clubs etc prefer their own boring wells. Although the problem of sufficient water is taken care of by these boring wells, the safe and pure drinking water is far from guaranteed.

The main concern is the odour, bad taste and the high bacterial contamination, which make this water unpotable. Use of chlorine further makes the quality of water worse. Ultra-violet lamps cannot remove the heavy load of bacterial contamination nor it can remove the odour and bad taste. And that makes you wonder if there is any easy solution close by!

The solution is right in front of you. Ozone removes not only the odour and bad taste but also the bacterial load and makes the boring well water potable. The system is very cost effective. It can also treat huge volumes of water instantaneously. You will not have to add any chemicals to water and thus it is environmental friendly too! In other words, Ozonation is the Complete Solution to your water related problems.

In some cases, the municipal water supply is adequate but water is not clean. The water pipelines are usually very old. They are rusted and they pass through catchments. A possibility of sewage water mixed into your drinking water line is very high. Even then, Ozone is your lifeguard. Chemtronics ozonetor can be installed for the purification of the municipal water before it reaches your glass.

Chemtronics ozonetor doesn't take a large space. It is in fact so small that you can fit it in a very small covered area such as you existing pump room. The power requirement is also very less. In typical plants, the power consumption is as low as 200 watts per hour or 1 unit in 5 hours! As mentioned earlier, you don't need to add any harmful chemicals in your water. Ozone is generated using a fraction of oxygen from the air directly.

Access to Safe and Pure drinking water is your birthright. If your civic administration is failing to do its duties, why should you suffer? This is the right opportunity for you to be self sufficient in the most essential commodity: WATER.

Cooling Water Treatment with Ozone

Ozone treatment of a cooling tower can reduce the quantity of blowdown. Actual reductions will be system specific, but can range from 50% to 90%. Although actual elimination of blowdown altogether is unlikely, this is a very effective technique used to reduce water consumption. Ozone decomposes into oxygen, and therefore imparts no undesirable chemical residue into the system. Therefore, blowdown from cooling towers treated with ozone only will be free of biocide, scale, or corrosion control chemicals.

Ozone is an unstable gas that will occur naturally during a thunderstorm. There are also several man made sources such as electronic copying/printing equipment, electric motors. For industrial use, it is generated and it is to be used. The inherent instability of ozone makes it impractical to package for use and shipment.

Ozone can be generated from dry air, with a dew point of -51 o C or less, or dry oxygen with a dew point of -51 o C or less. An air-fed ozone generation system includes an air filter, air cooler, compressor and dryer. Ozone reactions in cooling water are as follows:

Biofouling Control
Ozone will disinfect more rapidly than any other commercially available oxidant. This feature makes ozone a viable technique for biofilm control and to attack organic binders holding scaling materials to cooling water surfaces. The mucilage is usually generated by bacteria in the system.

Ozone will destroy many organics commonly encountered in recirculated cooling systems, some rapidly, some slowly, and some no reaction. Ozonation of some organics will result in by-products that will be difficult to oxidize further. Thus, although ozone is effective in destroying many organics, all organics will not be completely converted to carbon biocide and water.

Algae are readily oxidized by ozone. However, algae will reappear on exposure to sunlight unless small ozone residual is left in the system. Ozone levels in the 0.01 to 0.05-mg/l ranges, maintained for a few minutes, are usually sufficient for algae control.

Corrosion Control
Current data on corrosion control benefits that are obtained by using ozone is conflicting. In some cases, corrosion rates are slow and others, more rapid. Mild steel and aluminum corrode slower with ozone presence, whereas galvanized steel has an increased corrosion rate versus water containing oxygen. It seems reasonable that some corrosion is expected, but can be minimized by maintaining water cleanliness.

Ozone Used In Commercial Laundry System

Washing Out the Competition Clean clothes and linens are essential to the health and well-being of most individuals. However, keeping clothes and linens clean is typically an expensive and wasteful process. Consider the importance of laundries to hotels, hospital, prisons and numerous other institutions. Heating water to a sufficient temperature to be used in traditional laundry systems is expensive, and wasteful. Most water used in traditional laundry sytems is drained into the sewer.

A considerable waste considering the cost required to transport the water to the laundry system, heat the water, drain the water and ultimately clean the water.

Ozone laundry systems are an effective replacement for traditional hot water and detergent systems. Ozone is a significantly more effective sanitizing agent than chlorine, killing all bacteria and viruses instantly, without the creation of harmful by-products.

Many savings can be realized as a result of using ozone as an alternative to chemical-only laundry treatment. Ozone laundry systems do not require hot water.

Ozone Laundry Systems

There are over large number commercial laundry facilities located in hotels, resorts, health service facilities, prisons, and stand-alone companies all over the globe. Conventional systems use substantial amounts of detergents, chemicals, hot water, and energy. With ozonation systems, ozone is injected into the wash process to clean the clothing or linens.

With ozonation systems, the amount of chemical usage is reduced significantly. Water usage and wash times are reduced, and textile life is improved. In addition, the systems can reduce the time taken to wash a load. Along with environmental benefits, there are economic benefits as well. In its role as a powerful oxidant and biocide, ozone eliminates or alleviates a variety of laundry problems. The equipment is market proven and offers large cost savings that have an immediate positive effect on the bottom line.

Ozone Generator for Air

Ozone Generator

Ozone Generator For Air

Ozone Generator for Water

Ozone Generator For Air

Ozone Generator For Water

www.chemtronicsindia.com | www.ozonegeneratorindia.com | www.waterfiltrationindia.com | www.waterpurificationindia.com | www.reverseosmosiswatertreatment.com
Filtration :- Pressure Sand Filter | Activated Carbon Filter | Cartridge Filter | Ultraviolet Purifier | Water Softener | Demineral Plant | Reverse Osmosis :- Reverse Osmosis Light Commercial | Reverse Osmosis Heavy Commercial | Reverse Osmosis Light Industrial | Reverse Osmosis Heavy Industrial | Package Drinking Water | Ozonation | Swimming Pool Water Treatment | Sewage Treatment Plants | Water Treatment Plant | DM Plant | Ozone Generator | STP & ETP | RO Reverse Osmosis | Water Filtration | Water Ozonation
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